selamat datang ke blog TJ . anda suka ? sila follow . anda xsuka ? it's up to u . :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

amek perhatian :)

asal la singkat ngat ox tuh wahai sesetgah kaum hawa ? bru putus cinta , dh na bnuh diri la , terjun bgunan la , hiris tgan la , n mcam2 lah . hahaha *gelaksetan ! agax2la kan , e2 bru kapel kot . lom lg jd suami . adesss ==" orang laen yg dh kawen bercerai , oke je seyh . xde po smpy trok cm korg . hahahaha . xpyah nak seksa diri sgt la kan . wat malu kaum n fmly je . adoh ! ketahuilah , masih ramai yg SAYANG ANDA <3

| p/s : pda yg terasa , maaf sesgtt lah . bkan niat utk mengata , jauh skali memerli . tp skdar hnya utk renungan bersma :) |

Lots of love

Monday, September 5, 2011


Love is like water;
We can fall in it.
We can drown in it.
And we can't live without it.

Love is friendship, friendship is love.
If love fails, friendship should remain.
For friendship is the foundation of love.

When i saw you i was afraid to talk to you...
when i talked to you i was afraid to hold you...
When i hold you i was afraid to love you
Now that i love you im afraid to lose you.

A relationship is like a rose, How long it lasts, no one knows;
Love can erase an awful past,
Love can be yours, you'll see at last;
To feel that love, it makes you sigh,
To have it leave, you'd rather die;
You hope you've found that special rose,
Cause you love and care for the one you chose.

729264 342 (:

aryneh epy gile2 :) . sbb ? haha . sbb dy sepenuhnye jd milik tj ! gila bhagia taw dOp . rasa dunie neh tj yg pnye :) aww, sayam ! really2 love you lah . sepenuh hati . *para gadis2 perawan yg cantik menawan di luar sana , pliss jan pena amek dy dri hidp tj . dy milik tj soram :) ta suka share2 . ea dOp semard pOm . ea besa2 je . oleh e2 , tolom la sgt2 , jauhkan diri dri dy :) . trima kasih !

-actually ktorang dh lme kwan , since skulah rendah lg :) hahaha .-

p/s : i'll owez love u my sweetsoursalty cikboyfie (:
Lots of love